
Which kind of tea can be drunk as health-preserving tea?

Tea contains a variety of nutrients beneficial to the human body and is thus widely regarded as a healthy drink. Among teas, some are considered suitable for health preservation because they contain particularly rich nutrients and can help people maintain good health. This article will introduce the varieties of tea suitable for health preservation, as well as their efficacy and production methods.

1.Green tea

Green tea is an unfermented tea that contains substances such as tea polyphenols, catechins, and caffeine. It has the effects of clearing heat and detoxifying, antioxidation, reducing lipid and losing weight, and preventing cancer. Green tea can also enhance immunity, improve intestinal function, and play a certain role in preventing cardiovascular diseases and resisting aging.

Production method: Boil water and control the water temperature at around 80℃. Take an appropriate amount of green tea and put it in the cup, about one-third of the cup. Pour in water at around 80℃ and soak for 1-2 minutes. Filter out the tea leaves and then enjoy.

2. Flower and Herb Tea

Flower and herb tea is a kind of tea made from fresh flowers or herbs, including chrysanthemum tea, rose tea, honeysuckle tea, etc. It contains a variety of nutrients and medicinal components, and has the effects of lowering blood pressure, losing weight, detoxifying, and antioxidation. In addition, flower and herb tea also has the functions of soothing the nerves, relieving stress, and helping to fall asleep.

Production method: Boil water and control the water temperature at around 100℃. Take an appropriate amount of flowers and herbs and put them in the cup, about one-third of the cup. Pour in water at around 100℃ and soak for 3-5 minutes. Filter out the flowers and herbs and then enjoy.

Which kind of tea can be drunk as health-preserving tea

3. Pu’er Tea

Pu’er tea is a kind of fermented tea that contains substances such as tea polyphenols, catechins, and caffeine. It has the functions of reducing lipid and losing weight, lowering blood pressure, lowering blood sugar, and preventing cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. Pu’er tea can also aid digestion and protect the liver.

Production method: Boil water and control the water temperature at around 100℃. Take an appropriate amount of Pu’er tea and put it in the teapot, about one-third of the teapot. Pour in water at around 100℃ and soak for 10-20 seconds. Pour out the first infusion of tea water; this infusion is not for drinking. Pour in water at around 100℃ and soak for 30-40 seconds, then it’s ready for drinking.

4. Longjing Tea

Longjing tea is a kind of unfermented tea that contains substances such as tea polyphenols, catechins, and amino acids. It has the effects of clearing heat and detoxifying, refreshing the mind, reducing lipid and losing weight, and preventing radiation. Longjing tea can also inhibit the growth of cancer cells, prevent cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, and improve bad breath.

Production method: Boil water and control the water temperature at around 80℃. Take an appropriate amount of Longjing tea and put it in the cup, about one-third of the cup. Pour in water at around 80℃ and soak for 1-2 minutes. Filter out the tea leaves and then enjoy.

5. Black Tea

Black tea is a kind of fermented tea that contains substances such as tea polyphenols, catechins, caffeine, etc. It has the effects of refreshing the mind, reducing lipid and losing weight, preventing radiation, and lowering blood pressure. In addition, black tea can also aid digestion, enhance immunity, and prevent colds, etc.

Production method: Boil water and control the water temperature at around 100℃. Take an appropriate amount of black tea and put it in the cup, about one-third of the cup. Pour in water at around 100℃ and soak for 3 – 5 minutes. Filter out the tea leaves and then enjoy.

6. Dark Tea

Dark tea is a kind of tea that undergoes long-term fermentation and contains substances such as tea polyphenols, catechins, and organic acids. It has the effects of reducing lipid and losing weight, antioxidation, and improving immunity. Dark tea can also aid digestion, promote blood circulation, and prevent colds.

Production method: Boil water and control the water temperature at around 100℃. Take an appropriate amount of dark tea and put it in the teapot, about one-third of the teapot. Pour in water at around 100℃ and soak for 30 – 60 seconds. Pour out the first infusion of tea water, which is not for drinking. Pour in water at around 100℃ again and soak for 1 – 2 minutes, then it’s ready for drinking.

Different types of tea have different effects and nutritional components. It is most important to choose the suitable tea variety for drinking according to your own needs. Whether it is the richly fragrant oolong tea or the mellow and sweet pu’er tea, they can both bring us health and wonderful enjoyment. At the same time, during the process of making tea, attention should also be paid to the control of water temperature and soaking time to avoid affecting the nutrition and taste of the tea.

The tea is rich in nutrition and has certain health care functions, which is beyond doubt. Secondly, drinking tea can make people relax, which may have a lot to do with the environment and atmosphere. It can make people feel happy and conducive to thinking. Finally, the nutrients in tea will slowly change the body over time.


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